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Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
Acid-Fast Stain Test (Ziehl-Neelsen Stain):
Written on: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Time: 8:34 AM
It was discovered that Mycobacterium bacteria could retain dye reagents composed of crystal violets and aniline in water despite washing with acid-alcohol solutions. Hence acid-fast bacteria would turn red while non acid-fast would turn blue at the end of experiment.
Procedure: 1. Add primary dye (carbol fuchsin) to bacteria. Bacteria should turn red as they retain the dye. 2. Then add acid-alcohol decolourizer which is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and alcohol to the bacteria. In this part the non-acid-fast bacteria would lose the red dye while the acid-fast bacteria can still retain it. 3. Lastly apply the counterstain methylene blue to the bacteria so that if it is non acid-fast, it would turn blue for differentiation.
Acid-Fast Stain Test (Ziehl-Neelsen Stain):
Written on: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Time: 8:34 AM
It was discovered that Mycobacterium bacteria could retain dye reagents composed of crystal violets and aniline in water despite washing with acid-alcohol solutions. Hence acid-fast bacteria would turn red while non acid-fast would turn blue at the end of experiment.
Procedure: 1. Add primary dye (carbol fuchsin) to bacteria. Bacteria should turn red as they retain the dye. 2. Then add acid-alcohol decolourizer which is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and alcohol to the bacteria. In this part the non-acid-fast bacteria would lose the red dye while the acid-fast bacteria can still retain it. 3. Lastly apply the counterstain methylene blue to the bacteria so that if it is non acid-fast, it would turn blue for differentiation.
Acid-Fast Stain Test (Ziehl-Neelsen Stain):